Saturday, September 8, 2012

Gluten Free Frustration and Bliss

   I have recently taken a new job and I find myself in the cafeteria at work quite a bit, this can be so frustrating! I am always trying to eat something hot and yummy but most of the time I just end up with a salad. Don't get me wrong, I love salad, but you just can't eat that everyday. I have even asked the cooks at my work what is in the food and half the time they don't know and they try to get me to eat whatever they have. Salad again...sigh. Enough venting about all of that, I just wish it were easier sometimes.

    On the other hand, my son is enrolled in school and his teacher is gluten free! That was amazing!! I couldn't believe it and I think that it's such a blessing because she understands what he is going through. The school my son attends also makes gluten free meals for him with a doctors note. This makes me very very happy! I think by the time my son gets a job it will be easier and a lot more people are going to be aware of the gluten free diet and why it can be necessary for some of us. So, there you have it just a little rantin and raving on my part. I am working on some yummy gluten free treats for fall, I am hoping to perfect the gluten free cinnamon roll! :)

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