Friday, September 16, 2011

Two Things We Do Everyday: Laundry and Breakfast

As many of you know if you have been gluten free for very long, people with gluten intolerances often have other allergies/intolerances.  It was so bad for my son when he was first diagnosed (at age 3) that he couldn't even tolerate fruit!   Amazing I know, something natural was causing his already upset system to have even more problems.  Eventually he was able to tolerate the fruit again, and later he was able to tolerate dairy.  I remember it being so very difficult.  But, it does get better, we become more accustomed to the gluten free diet and lifestyle and gradually our loved ones' bodies start healing.

I say all of that to say this, I am currently using allergy free detergents and fabric softeners.  I do not buy the detergents from the health food store, but usually just buy the baby or allergy free ones at walmart.  My son has done very well with these.  He used to get a rash when I used detergents with fragrances so this prompted the change.  It is amazing what gluten is in.  I have experimented with all kinds of soap for him, and I have come to the conclusion that Ivory or baby soaps are the best.  I hope this will be helpful if you are newly diagnosed and do not know what to do for your gluten sensitive skin.

Mornings are super busy for us. We have 4 kiddos and we try to start our school day by 8:30 am.  So, I have to get breakfast over before then, some of my favorite gluten free breakfasts are easy and quick.

1 piece gluten free bread (we love Udi's)
1 egg

Cut a circle in the bread using a coffee cup or cookie cutter, place bread and circle in oil, immediately crack the egg into the circle. (you can make these fried or scramble them with a fork in the pan)  Cook until the egg is done and serve with gluten free jelly.

Cantaloupe or Honeydew melon 
1/4 cup gluten free granola or cereal 
Shredded coconut (optional)

 Cut the fruit up, top it with honey, granola or gluten free cereal, and shredded coconut. 

 These are just two examples of easy gluten free breakfasts. I also love gluten free bisquick! It has so many options.  The "bird in a nest" has quickly become a favorite of my family and the "fruit and granola breakfast" is so healthy and fresh. I love it as well.  I have seen gluten free granola, but if for some reason you don't like that or can't find it a cereal like gluten free Rice Chex will work. Just place it in a plastic bag and smash with a spoon.  I never thought of this on my own, we have stayed at several hotels here in Mexico and it is a very common breakfast. Super yummy, you can substitute just about any fruit for the cantaloupe and it tastes amazing.

I hope that some of the things that I have learned will help you and your family on your gluten free adventure.  Check all ingredients before taking that first bite. If you try one of these easy recipes let me know how they turn out, or if you have any questions or comments let me know. Thanks for reading.


P.S. These are some of my favorite gluten free websites, I posted a link for Udi's as well, their bread is so good and so are their muffins.

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